A zero-emission future is on its way, we are just making it happen faster
Our technology is designed to eliminate nearly all greenhouse gas emissions and be ready to deliver carbon-negative hydrogen at scale. Our cutting-edge ethanol to hydrogen solution perfectly aligns with California's great need for fossil fuel alternatives, while solving for the many hurdles that come alongside.
TO Viridi brings on-demand, on-site and carbon negative hydrogen production to you.

TO Viridi's HyEn+ solution is positioned to be the leader in renewable hydrogen production, boasting a cost advantage nearly 3X greater than alternatives, with significantly lower capital and operational costs. We do this by taking an approach that does not follow the traditional fuelling model, moving our fuelling capacities to where fuel will be needed and have it there when it's needed.
We pride ourselves in making the greener choice the easier choice.
Decentralized Energy Production
Primary Applications
Heavy Commercial Freight Transport
Consumer Vehicles
Agriculture Cold Storage & Operations
Electrical Generation
TO Viridi will be able to dynamically switch between supplying hydrogen fuel and electricity to optimize its business opportunities and economic benefits.
Looking to zero your emissions?
Get the most reliable solution.
Carbon negative fuel is a necessary component in a green future for California and our planet. Hydrogen is the only solution that can leverage existing infrastructure with sustainability and reliability to keeps the goods and services, upon which our societies depend, moving.